Thoughtful Thursday: You're not a bad mom

"You're not a bad mom, you're tired. Everything is harder when you haven't slept"

I cannot resonate with this statement enough. I have experienced this so many times... when I've decided to take my 'mommy time' too far.. and forcing myself to sleep at 3am.. knowing good and well I need to wake up for 6am.. I'm really just doing myself aren't I?

But what I realize is that.. I'm quicker to react to things.. negatively-- I'd either shout or yell, my tolerance level and my patience are short.. and I'm just generally irritable... leading to my own adult tantrums and I'm not even able to process if my child has one.

Compared to when I do get a decent night's sleep; I'm patient.. I'm calm.. if my children lash out at me or have tantrums or meltdowns I can handle it, and my mind doesn't seem so groggy or clouded. 

Personally I'm the mom that doesn't drink coffee.. or tea.. I don't even indulge in energy drinks, so I am literally working on the small energy that I obtained in my 3-4 hours of sleep...

It's hard.

And then having to deal with 2 small humans that depend on me 24/7-- it's twice as hard. 
Then when the day ends, the children have been put to bed... all of the thoughts start rolling in about how I shouldn't of done this.. or done that.. when in actuality, I just needed a good night's rest.

You're not a bad parent if you yell or scream at your kids.. you're only human.
You're not a bad parent if you get your kids fast food for dinner-- we are TIRED.. and sometimes it's a lifesaver.. because at least you know for sure they will eat it! lol

You are not a bad parent-- take care of yourself first, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Everyday is a new day to try again.


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