Transparency Tuesday: Kind hearts

I saw something on Instagram that really pricked something in me: "Long for your children to have right hearts. not just correct behaviour"
It just made me go whew! I hope I'm doing that!

This week Jeremiah's behaviour has been quite challenging and I really have no idea why. Any time I'm forming a boundary or withholding a rule.. he will completely flip out and say 'No'.. scream.. and cry and shout. Then when he sees I'm not changing what I'm saying... he will sit down.. sigh and go 'Alright mum' and proceed to doing what I have asked. In all of this I remained calm.. and monotonous. (So hard.)

One of the days this week, we woke up and went to go brush our teeth. I brushed Jeremiah's first, and when I went to go and brush Matthew's teeth, Jeremiah started to shout 'Come here mum!" "No, no brush Matthew's teeth!" He wanted to go downstairs-- but he wanted me to come with him. Normally.. he will go downstairs on his own. But he was so upset I wasn't coming with him.. he started shouting and crying and I kept saying to him "When I finish brushing Matthew's teeth, we'll all go downstairs together" He didn't like that and started to stomp his feet and spit. All of these things he does shows that he doesn't like what's going on.

So after all of that, we went downstairs. I had some things to do upstairs so I went ahead and did it. When I came back down Jeremiah exclaimed 'Mum!' and came to hug me. Then he went 'Sorry mum. Sorry for shouting, pushing upstairs brushing teeth' And I just hugged him.

I didn't tell him to tell me to say sorry. He came by himself and said it to me.. which means he realized what he did wasn't right or nice. So he understands right from wrong.

According to that phrase I mentioned earlier.. I think I'm on the right track! I want my boys to have kind, right hearts-- and it can be taught as early as possible!


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