Transparency Tuesday: Strategies

I've come to the realisation that when our parents were raising us, they didn't really have the patience or the true understanding to be able to 'gentle parent' or to just genuinely speak to us. Because what I've come to also realise is that you can speak to a 1 year old or 2 year old and they completely understand what you are saying. You just have to take it out of your mind that 'They're only kids they don't know anything'

They know a lot! Especially this generation of children! And these pandemic babies who virtually are walking out of the womb!

Jokes aside... when you really observe your kids; you can come with a strategy to know how to deal with them not listening or lashing out or having a temper tantrum.

Both of my boys hate it when  I yell. They will go "Mummy too loud!" At the weekend they both were fighting each other; like really slapping and kicking. And I yelled 'Stop! Stop hitting it's not nice!" Then they both looked really upset.

I spoke to the both of them individually and they calmed down and I apologized for yelling and said "I know you don't like that-- but what you were doing really made mummy upset, but mummy shouldn't have yelled"
Matthew went 'Ok mummy, I won't do that again"
Jeremiah went 'Ok, sorry mummy'

They didn't do it again for a couple of hours... and then it happened again. loool

They are children.. they will do it again, but the point is how we deal with it as parents, and our approach.


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