Transparency Tuesday: Had some time away

I have been away from the blog a little bit..

I just needed time to.. reflect. After the boys being unwell.. I went really deep into my thoughts and just started to reflect on myself as a mother and all that has happened in the past couple of months.

Am I doing right by my boys?
Am I doing enough?
Do they feel that I love them? 
Do they feel safe? protected?
Are they happy?
Are they confident?

Just so many questions were flying around my head... I always beat myself up and I am so hard on myself when I start to feel like I'm not enough or I'm not doing enough... I start asking myself questions and giving myself the run around.

It's not healthy.. I know... I am working on it.

But you know what the funniest thing of it all is when I get in this downward spiral?

Both of my boys will do something so significant I know it's God reassuring me that I am on the right track.
One of them will either just randomly come and hug me.. or one will come and just say out of the blue 'Love you mummy'

And honestly.. God is so good. He always reassures me and it keeps me going.


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