Transparency Tuesday: Express yourself
I had an emotional outburst.. and yelled at my boys.
I know my boys don't like it when I yell...
The boys were jumping and crashing into the chairs like wrestlers.. and I could foresee one of them hurting themselves.. and that is exactly what happened. I had said "stop" about 5 times... and boom Matthew bumps his head for the third time in the space of 3 days.
I got angry and started to yell at them.. saying they don't listen and why is it that you always jump in the chairs when I say you don't do that..
Yeah. I blew.
But what I noticed is that Jeremiah's reaction was different.. normally he would cry and say 'No mummy!"... but this time he just went 'Ok!" and made a face and went silent.
I don't want to be the cause to why my kids suppress their emotions. I want them to always express themselves. It's healthy and it's the right thing to do.. I suppressed and I do not want that cycle to continue.
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