
Showing posts from March, 2020

Transparency Tuesday: Trust the gut feeling

I truly believe that God made women in a way where we can sense and feel when something isn't right. You can't explain in detail but it's a feeling that just holds your entire gut until you make a move on it. With becoming a mother.. I believe this gift has become heightened.. it's like with having my kids there is a connection that you can't even begin to explain. I can literally FEEL when one of them is going to wake up, whether it's the middle of the night or in the morning.. it's actually crazy. But I guess this is all part of the motherhood journey-- this is something that we acquire and we must use it to the best of our ability. When I was pregnant I was told to do so many things because it was recommended by doctors... Example. I had high blood pressure in both of my pregnancies-- and with my first one in particular they wanted me to come in for an induction because they were saying that because I was high risk I or the baby could die.. Bu...

Short Story Saturday

"You must hold my hand, we're crossing the road!" "No!" His little hand sets free from his mother's grasp. He presses the button at the traffic light and watches the "Wait" sign light up. "Now, hold my hand." She puts her arm out waiting to feel his tiny fingers. He shakes his head. She reaches for his hand and grips it tightly into hers. "I don't want you to get hurt. Ok?" He releases his hand from her tight grasp as the light changes to the green man sign." "No!" She watches him dart across the road; the cars humming in readiness to accelerate. She darts across the road with seconds to spare. She held him tight, not wanting to let him go.

Thoughtful Thursday

Before I had kids... and when I would get on the bus, and hear a crying child or see a child screaming at the top of their lungs in the buggy... and then staring at the parent and their reaction-- I didn't get it clearly why it was all happening... Until I experienced it for myself. lol. I now understand. The child could be hungry. The child could be tired. The child could be restless. The child maybe just wants to make noise. The child's been told off and didn't like it so they're having a tantrum because of it. The whole point is... what I've seen is that the minute your child starts to make noise... immediately all eyes are on you and the child. Children will make noise.. it's part of their jobs as children. But it doesn't mean that you have to judge the parent straight away and think "Why are they not doing anything?" When a child has a tantrum... especially if you've told them no or you've reprimanded them about something.. t...

Transparency Tuesday: A reflection of you

Sometimes when I just watch my kids play.. or just watch them doing what they do in the day.. I see myself so much in them it's unbelievable. Ok duh. Clearly they grew inside of me so obviously they will have traces of me in them.. but what I mean is like certain characteristics.. and mannerisms... even the way they laugh and smile. It's actually quite amazing. Sometimes I sit there and marvel-- like wow this came out of me? But also... I see my not so good characteristics in my kids and I'm like.. "Yep! This is so me" and I now have to devise a strategy to try and unravel it... No one told me about this! I just thought.. you experience the magical experience pregnancy... labour... delivery... and.. you take care of the child. Not realizing you have tackle so much in the taking care of the child part. You have to make sure they learn their morals, their manners; make sure that they are aware of themselves, how to compose themselves.. they need to l...

Short Stort Saturday

She stares at the family siting at the back of the bus. A lady with liver spots around her neck embraces the child closest to her, while the gentleman on the opposite side with a receding hairline chuckles from his stomach. "Grandma! Can we go to the ice rink today?" "Oh... not today my dear, we need to head home and make dinner." "Ok..." "Next time, I promise" She smiles with lipstick on her two front teeth. She watches them get off the bus hand in hand. She gazes over at her two boys sleeping in the buggy.

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that you are reading this. I am thankful that I am able to write this. I am thankful for all of the experiences that I have been able to come out of thus far-- and thankful for the ones to come. This is what will make me who I am to be. Who I am destined to be. I am thankful for the pain that I have felt.. it has made me tough. It has made me endure through very hard times-- and preparing me for harder times. I am thankful for the joy that has been released in my life---it has shown me that dark times do not last forever and everything is in the timing of God. I am thankful for each and every person that has entered and exited my life.. it shows me that again.. there is a time for everything. I am thankful that I am STILL HERE. Be thankful. Be grateful for all. xxxx

Transparency Tuesday: Mindset

Have you realized the way your day.. your week.. your month. your life is determined by your perspective and the way you think? Our minds are very powerful... I think we underestimate the power it holds and if we use it positively our lives can take a turn for the better. Imagine this: You wake up in the morning and you don't feel like it's a good day-- you've woken up on the "wrong side of the bed", your children are both screaming at the top of their lungs, the rooms are a mess... and you just literally want to just put the duvet over your head and let the day pass by.. Just by one thought.. your entire mood and the entire day can change. Do you believe this? I've personally had this happen... I was just in a bad mood and didn't even know why.. my kids were both just doing the most.. and I was just having a short fuse. So I just switched.. started playing with them.. laughing.. singing songs and just thought to myself  "Be happy".. an...

Short Story Saturday

Sitting in the grey chair in silence, she listened as the keys jingled and the door unlock. "How are you?" "Fine" "Are you sure?" "Yep." Her eyes are fixated on the television, but her ears are listening to his dragging feet. She hears his footsteps coming back. "The baby's awake, can you feed him?" She looks at him holding their child with tears in his eyes. "Ok." She puts the baby on her lap, placing the spoon by his mouth. After the third spoon the baby coughs. "Do you want some water?" The baby nods. She continues to spoon feed the baby until the bowl of the food is down to the last scoop. "Ready to sleep now?" The baby puts his head on her shoulder. "Ok lets go" She puts the baby down and lies next to him. She gives him a kiss on the forehead.

Thoughtful Thursday: Fathers

LET'S NOT FORGET ABOUT THE FATHERS! On my way taking my son to nursery, I saw a dad pushing a buggy with his child, maybe about 3 or 4 years old and it's such a lovely sight to see. It's uncommon to see just a father out with their children-- I don't see it often but it is so heart warming and makes me feel so wiggly inside. Too much of the time fathers are being put down as being dead beat dads... etc, but there are dad's out there that are putting in the work and are doing the jobs just as the mothers. There are single dad's out there doing the work and I salute them all. They are not acknowledged enough and I am dedicating this blog post today to the fathers! You are greatly appreciated. You are loved, You are doing a great job.

Transparency Tuesday: Breastfeeding

I remember when I was pregnant with my first child.. I imagined how breastfeeding would be... he'd latch on the first time-- and I'd successfully breastfeed.. no pain.. no complications. During my antenatal classes, I remember how much they were emphasizing on how breastfeeding is the best way etc etc-- to the point where some of the mothers were actually getting a little upset because it's not everyone that will be able to breastfeed-- or not be able to breastfeed as long as they may want. For me personally-- for my first child I want to breastfeed for so long.. and it turned out I only breastfed for 4 months... and then switched to formula due to the fact that he wasn't gaining as much weight as he should have. Things happen-- some people produce a lot of breast milk.. for me my breast milk production wasn't too bad.. but it just wasn't enough. I tried so many things to enhance production.. teas.. offering the breast as much as possible.. pumping.. and sti...

Short Story Saturday

"After how long.. I've finally been able to get him off my breast!" "Oh wow that's great!" "Yeah.. I felt it was time. Something just shifted inside of me and I was just like.. nah, he needs to come off." "That was kind of like me, my little girl was nearing 2 as well and I had to get her off." "It's not like he was even drinking the milk.. he was just putting his mouth on it.. it was coming a kind of comfort/dependence thing" "It happens. Children like comfort and security. I don't blame him" "Me neither but I am so happy that he is off. I feel like now he can be more independent" "Aw. Bless you. Just keep at it-- because now that he's off he has to stay off because your breast milk is now drying up" "Yeah.. I will miss it though!" She says with a little squeak in her voice "Oh my sister I miss it too. I know a lady who is stil...

Thoughtful Thursday: "Oh to be a child"

When I was doing the laundry.. I just watched my two kids running around and playing and literally what echoed in my mind was "Oh to be a child.." It's so easy. Not a care in the world. They don't need to worry about a job.. or bills.. or wondering what you have to make to eat. They don't need to hold such big responsibilities like washing the dishes and making sure that the house is clean. Man. Being a child is the life! But clearly.. you can't be a 30 something child... that is just a very wrong picture right there. lol. It's such a nice thing to see though-- how liberating it is to be a child. So much joy. So much happiness. The fact that they put so much faith in us as their parents. I always find it amusing how when a child asks for food and the food just appears-- do you think they wonder where it comes from? Nah. They just want to eat the food right! So imagine the day they ask and there's no food.. how would they respond? I honestly ...

Transparency Tuesday: The dark place

We have all encountered a time where our minds have slipped into what I call 'the dark place'. This is NOT a great place to be. I advise anyone that has been in this place to escape as quickly as possible and never go back. This place brings back bad thoughts; emotions; feelings; flashbacks; memories of all of the times that you do not want to remember. Do you know what the trigger of entering this dark place is? Being idle. Not so good company. Being alone. Being sad. Feeling worthless. Just being in a not so good mood. Generally negative vibes. We are all human and we do end up sometimes thinking of things we shouldn't. I entered this place a lot before and after pregnancy-- this is when the hormones are jumping around like crazy because now they are readjusting and going back into place. And the worst part is.. you can FEEL yourself slipping into it-- and if you're not careful it can end up in depression or thinking very dark thoughts that you never thoug...