Transparency Tuesday: Anxiety

Please tell me I'm not the only mama out here that gets crippling anxiety about their kids...

Please... I'm not alone right?

I can distinctly remember when Jeremiah was a baby.. I could not sleep.. and all I was doing was checking if he was still breathing. Then when it could come time to go outside.. I would get so worried about putting him in the buggy.. to getting on the bus with the buggy... getting off the bus.. whew chile, I was just a wreck-- but mind you I was a brand new mother with a newborn.. so is that the excuse I can use? lol

Now... both children are older.. the anxiety is still there but for brand new reasons..

When they go to school I always fear of getting a call that they've badly hurt themselves.. I don't know why.. I'm already a serial overthinker so this is a big contributing factor..
Sometimes when we're getting off the bus I fear that the driver will close the bus too early leaving one of my kids on the bus and driving off..

It's actually ridiculous.


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