Transparency Tuesday: Overwhelmed
No matter how organized you have to be... do you still manage to feel overwhelmed? The past week and a half has been so hectic for me... I've had to go up and down every single day to appointments, school open days, virtual and phone calls... chile! I think because literally everything has been back to back since last week--- I'm just like *breathe* Sometimes I get a bit of anxiety because I feel like I won't be able to make the appointments, or something might go wrong, or I might not get good news. Yeah.. need to stop that-- anything you programme into your mind is what will manifest. this is why we need to speak and think positive. And I guess sometimes I kind of want to beat the stereotype, (is it even a stereotype?) that parents are always late to things? Because honestly, before Jeremiah started nursery, I took the two of them to a lot of Matthew's hospital appointments (He's currently got a dietician, and his allergy appointments were at the hospital before ...