With my eldest son having a speech delay.. I've learnt a lot about non verbal communication. My son non verbally communicates heavily. Whether it would be drawing my attention to something; his behaviour, the way he looks at me when he wants something... yeah, he's got it down to a T. But when it comes to verbal... he isn't really there yet. I've come to a theory that he has just gotten used to communicating non verbally that.. he doesn't actually see the reason to speak. Does that sound crazy? So I'm literally at all costs trying to get him to communicate with me, by telling me what he wants. This is typically what Jeremiah does: If he wants something to eat, there are times where he will clearly say to me, "Eat". Whereas.. there will be other times when I'm in the kitchen, he will open the fridge and point to what he wants. So when he does that, I will try and get him to say what he wants. This ends up in a tantrum. It's lik...