
Showing posts from May, 2020

Short Story Saturday

His eyes bloodshot, tears drawn down his face, he flings himself on the floor and shouts. "What's wrong? Tell me!". She notices a speck of blood coming from his foot. She lifts his foot up and sees something stuck under his foot. "Oh.. I'm sorry. Mummy's gonna make it all better" She pulls the little speck out of his foot. He smiles. "All gone!"

Thoughtful Thursday: Affirmations

Speak over your children! Every positive thing you want to see manifested over your child's life, speak it into existence. Do you believe this works? I do. As much as you may or may not believe, the words that we say carry power and it does work. Why do you think when children get bullied, they start to believe what the bully is saying to them? We as parents must be awfully careful not to speak anything ill fated over our kids. They do stress us out.. They do frustrate us.. We do get tired of repeating ourselves.. But it doesn't mean that we must speak negative words over them. Unknowingly our parents have done it to us.. and we have most probably become what they said- but that doesn't mean we need to follow the trend. My child is beautiful/handsome My child is intelligent My child is helpful My child is humble All of these words you will see come to life in your children as you speak it over them. And as you're doing it.. as they get older.. te...

Transparency Tuesday: Why I cut my hair

I used to have long hair pre babies and post my eldest. I've pretty much had long hair for a good part of my life.. but when I had Matthew.. actually, before I had Matthew-- ok lets say, before and during my pregnancy with Matthew, the thought of cutting my hair just kept ringing in my mind. I was in a constant battle.. "Should I? Shouldn't I?"and I don't know why I was battling because when I became natural and did my big chop.. I had short hair (Didn't last long.. my hair grew really quickly!) But I guess because this time I was going to KEEP IT short.. not just cut it and grow it out again. I finally made the decision a couple of months after Matthew was born. Cut it. Why I cut it mainly was because I was suffering from Post partum hair loss; so much so, my hairline suffered. Whew chile.. I lost a lot of my hairline. So I just said "Ok, lets just cut it off... start fresh" Not only that.. but I wanted a change as well. I've always had long hai...

Short Story Saturday

   "It's been so long, how have you been?" "Surviving" "Yeah! The last time I talked to you, you said you had a baby, how is all of that going?" "2 now." "Oh my God, you have 2! When did that happen?" "Well, he just turned 2 now, so..  2 years ago.." "Has that much time passed already?" "Yeah." She held her phone to her chest; holding back the tears.

Thoughtful Thursday: Non verbal Vs Verbal communication

With my eldest son having a speech delay.. I've learnt a lot about non verbal communication. My son non verbally communicates heavily. Whether it would be drawing my attention to something; his behaviour, the way he looks at me when he wants something... yeah, he's got it down to a T. But when it comes to verbal... he isn't really there yet. I've come to a theory that he has just gotten used to communicating non verbally that.. he doesn't actually see the reason to speak. Does that sound crazy? So I'm literally at all costs trying to get him to communicate with me, by telling me what he wants. This is typically what Jeremiah does: If he wants something to eat, there are times where he will clearly say to me, "Eat". Whereas.. there will be other times when I'm in the kitchen, he will open the fridge and point to what he wants. So when he does that, I will try and get him to say what he wants. This ends up in a tantrum. It's lik...

Transparency Tuesday: Tantrum Troubleshooting

So I have a newly turned two year old... and... I really don't want to admit it but I think I'm going through the "Terrible twos" for a second time! *cries* I was really hoping that this time around it wouldn't happen.. but.. yeah, I was wrong. But what I can say about it this time is-- it's not so much tantrums.. but more of an adamant 'no' to everything that I say. With Jeremiah... the tantrums were absolute hell. If I would take away a toy.. a full blown tantrum.. rolling on the floor.. kicking and screaming.. biting.. etc. If I would tell him no to something.. the same thing would happen again.. it was actually 0 or 60 with Jeremiah.. there was no middle ground at all. Matthew however.. he throws himself on the floor in moderation. lol. He would rather tell me 'no' which is still very wrong. So a lot of talking is involved with Matthew.. unless he takes it too far and starts to hit. I would say both of their terrible twos are ve...

Short Story Saturday

"Do you need to wee wee?" She says while pointing to the potty "Wee" He says while nodding "Go and sit on the potty, please" He pulls his boy briefs down, hands at each end and sits on the grey potty. He stands up and pulls his briefs back up. "Well done! You did wee wee in the potty!" They both clap their hands.

Thoughtful Thursday: Don't get caught in the routine

It's so easy as a parent to get caught up in the daily routine of our kids.. that we forget how special of a time it is and to be grateful for it everyday. I have done this.. I'd wake up and be like 'Oh.. so I need to do this.. an this.." etc etc But what we need to understand as parents is that we are more than privileged and blessed to have our kids at home with us everyday.. healthy, happy, joyous, playful.. whatever else you can recall. The fact that we can spend an unlimited amount of time with our kids.. they enjoy us.. we enjoy them it is absolutely priceless. I've stopped looking at it as a 'routine'.. and just taking each day as a blessing and the fact that I can spend as much time as I want with my children. There are parents out there that don't have as much time to spend with their children for various reasons.. but if you can at least spend some small time with them.. be grateful for it! I've really decided to adopt the attitu...

Transparency Tuesday: Being a boy mum

There was a comment that I always get about having two boys-- Well actually, I still get it up until now.. Either a 'Good luck' or 'Ooh! You've got your hands full!' And the way they are said is like.. it's hard work. lol. Trust me. It IS hard work. But it is so worth it. Boys are energetic. Boys are always go go go go go! Boys need something to do. They get bored. Boys are so very active. Boys are funny. Boys are a little stubborn. Boys are rough.. and they think it's fun. Boys... are WORK! There was a time that the two boys were playing on the stairs, (I have to tell them eleven thousand times not to play there) and Matthew fell down the stairs. My heart skipped a beat. But what did he do? He cried a little, got up and started running off. I was just like.. "Ok. He's fine." LOL. But boys are very resilient and I really admire that about them.. especially when they're young kids. My eldest, Jeremiah.. he can literally fall down...

Short story Saturday

"Hey Donna! Nice to meet you!" She said in an embrace. "Oh wow, you know my name! Nice to meet you too." "Your brother has told me so much about you; he never stops talking about you." She glared in his direction. They all walk down the stairs to a silver car. "So Donna, he tells me that you've got a child." "Yeah." "How has that changed you?" "Oh... definitely a lot." "Yeah? Care to open up?" "Pretty much it's not a one day thing. Every day you learn something new about yourself and your child." "What have you learned?" "Well.. we have good traits and we have not so good traits... and sometimes that reflects in our children. So it's like you are literally looking at your not so good personality traits right in your face and you have to deal with it head on. It's crazy. But a good life lesson." "Wow....

Thoughtful Thursday: Balance

There was one fear I had when I found out I was having another baby... "How am I going to make time for the two of them?" Even sometimes presently I fear that maybe I'm paying attention to one more than another... Both of my boys have things going on with them that do need attention.. Jeremiah (3 year old) with his speech.. and Matthew (2 year old) with his food allergies. With Jeremiah, everyday I do exercises with him in regards to his speech.. I've got 2 apps on his tablet that also aid in speech therapy.. so we do that together.. and throughout the day I do things with him and say certain words for him to repeat back to me. Matthew.. I need to be constantly cooking food for him because there is a lot of food he can't eat! So a lot of different meats.. fish.. stews... rice.. etc. So it does take up a lot of time.. and sometimes I feel like "Oh no.. I hope they don't feel like i'm not paying much attention to them" But one thing that ...

Transparency Tuesday: Shouting. Is it the solution?

It is extremely easy to just shout. "Stop that!" "Don't jump on the bed!" "Put that down!" And the list can go on... And don't get me wrong.. sometimes we do need to shout-- but it shouldn't become the way we are with our kids as a whole. The reason why we shout.. or let me just speak for me personally, is a result of frustration because the children are not listening to what I have to say. But as a result.. I realize that they are starting to slowly emulate that behaviour. And kids will be kids.. they copy everything that we do. So.. I have implemented a new strategy on how to get them to listen. Instead of always shouting; sometimes what I now do is I will call either my older child or my younger child by their name, and ask them to come. When they come, I make sure they look me in my eye and I just speak to them. And it works. Sometimes they think I'm gonna tell them off.. so they're a little reluctant to come...

Short Story Saturday

She cuddled her son as he fell asleep; feeling his heartbeat. She kissed him on the forehead and placed him on his pillow, covering his legs in the duvet. "Please God, let all of this be over" She lay flat on her back, rubbed her welling eyes and stared at the ceiling until she fell asleep.