So... with Matthew turning 3, I've had to start implementing the phrase, "You're a big boy now", when it comes to certain things that are considered baby-ish; or to kind of enforce independence.. So a prime example is.. he is very used to sitting on my lap. I don't want to stop it, but when we are in particular places, like on the bus, or places where he can sit down; I'm trying to enforce that. He's still small and cute so sometimes I even forget and just put him on my lap-- but then I later realize that he is getting heavy! lol I'm starting (well kind of), to encourage him to eat on his own. But he's already shown me inklings that he wants to. He will literally take the spoon from me and start feeding himself. So now I'll go 'You're a big boy now, you have to eat at the table." He was reluctant at first, but when he saw his brother eating, he was encouraged. lol. He has his moments when he wants me to feed him, but it's a gr...