
Showing posts from September, 2021

Thoughtful Thursday: "The way you speak to your child becomes their inner voice"

I have been seeing this all around whenever I scroll social media and it's really made me re-evaluate myself as a parent. I can literally imagine my boys, maybe they've had a bad day or they're feeling really down about something and all they can hear echoing in their mind is me shouting at them for something that they did? Nah.. that's not going to help them at all is it? So I've put it into practice already.. how I speak to them, and how I deal with them in more difficult situations (melt downs, tantrums.. talking back etc) The key here really is to remember that they are little humans who are growing and developing everyday---and one thing I tend to forget is they can also have not so good days and moody days.. they are allowed. If we can have it, why can't they? But I guess because they're small and they have no worries.. we instantly dismiss it and go 'You have nothing to be upset about!" But.. they do. lol. And all of that is also part of thei

Transparency Tuesday: New routine

So.… I've been a bit absent from the blog... Myself and the boys are now in a new routine. They have now finally started school and getting used to the adjustment is something else. I haven't needed to wake up at 6 for at least 2 years now looool, so going back to that is a wake up call. But I'm so proud of the boys.. they have adjusted well. The first day was... a nightmare. Jeremiah was screaming and crying and throwing himself on the floor... and Matthew thought I was coming into school with him, so the moment he realized he was crying and crying... and the school had to call me back to collect him. The second day... it was a complete 360 and they walked into the school like they've been doing it all their lives. I felt like the worst mother ever on the first day-- there were other kids having tantrums and meltdowns but I felt like.. it's always my children that have meltdowns.. or this could just be my own paranoia.. Jeremiah is struggling a little bit to settle

Transparency Tuesday: The things kids come up with..

This is going to be a short blog.. but it's just a cute little moment that I had with Matthew. He just finished bathing and I was starting to cream him-- he's also learning how to cream himself, so I squeezed a little cream onto his hand and he said 'Mummy look, it's a dog' I went "Oh wow a dog?" Matthew goes "Yeah" Then he rubbed the cream in his hands and said 'The dog has gone to sleep" And I honestly found that so imaginative and creative-- I sat there for a moment and just laughed to myself. Children are blessings.

Thoughtful Thursday: It's drawing closer...

...the kids time to start school and nursery! Why am I getting so nervous? The anticipation of it all... And it's all so new. I was just getting used to the whole swing of nursery.. seeing the same parents.. and the small chit chat.. Now we need to start all over again and I don't think any of Jeremiah's classmates are going to the school he's going to. But new starts are good too. This will be another chance for Jeremiah to learn how to make friends and this will be an entire new experience for Matthew.. he would always see his brother go into nursery but now it'll be his turn. I am looking forward to how he will settle in and how things will go. But I'm also a bit anxious.. but all will go well for sure. I just can't believe it... I just had these boys the other day.. and now one is starting primary and another is starting nursery. *cries* Time... it's going so fast.

Transparency Tuesday: My kids' love languages

I think I've figured out my children's love languages!  ..or should I say their love languages for now? I'm sure as they grow it may change. So for Jeremiah I have concluded that his strong two are 'Words of affirmation' and 'Physical touch' Jeremiah loves praise. He loves hearing that he's done well and good job, and all the like.  As well as Jeremiah LOVES hugs and high fives. Every minute I find myself sitting down, he will just come to me and open his arms for a hug. I do it every time. I don't want to stop that. If I stop that I'll be killing his yearn for affection.  Matthew I would definitely say 'Physical touch', he loves cuddles... but I'm not very sure if he has a strong second one... possibly 'Quality time' he likes having me to himself. lol. And I believe I've been tending to their love language needs without even trying. But I've really wanted to fully understand.. because this helps to shape them. I want

Short Story Saturday

"Mummy! I need help" "What do you need help with? Have you done a poo?" "Yeah!" "Have you tried to wipe your bum bum?" "No!" "Ok." "Thank you" "Make sure you flush!" "Ok"

Thoughtful Thursday: Will he be seen as different?

I'm really getting anxious at the boys starting primary school and nursery. Especially with Jeremiah. We're currently composing an EHCP (Educational health care plan), so he can get extra support with his learning. Due to his speech delay-- it has caused him to be a little bit behind compared to the other children his age. So the EHCP will be a good support tool to aid him in his learning. Jeremiah also has a different perspective when playing with other children-- because he is only now learning how to initiate play with other kids (he didn't play with other kids at all.. he would play next to them) it's still quite new and unrefined.  Sometime last week I took Jerry and Matthew to the park to play-- he saw a girl and I assume it was her little brother running around and playing. Excitedly, Jeremiah started to run along after them, going where they were going, climbing on the things they were climbing with a huge smile on his face. Then the girl goes to Jeremiah, "