
Showing posts from November, 2020

Short Story Saturday

"Mummy?" "Yes?" "Mummmmmy!" "Yes?" "Mum!" "Yes!" He laughs

Thoughtful Thursday: Children and fears

So... sometime last week; I had a little experience with my 2 year old, Matthew. Matthew hasn't started nursery yet, so when I drop Jeremiah he's with me for the whole day, and for the majority of it he sits in the buggy. When we're making our way home, I let him come out and walk a little with his brother-- because he's going to be starting nursery next year, so he needs to get used to walking around and what not. So on this particular day we were walking to the bus stop and Jeremiah gets antsy after nursery because he's tired. He didn't want to walk and I wanted to hurry and get the bus so we can get home. We started crossing the road; and Jeremiah decided he wanted to stop in the middle of the road and a car was approaching. The car wasn't driving fast-- we were on a residential road; but I shouted and pulled Jeremiah onto the pavement as well as Matthew. Matthew started to cry... and I explained to Jerry that he can't do that because if a car is comi

Transparency Tuesday: The beautiful sound of children chatter

I don't know about youuuuu! But I love hearing my kids talk to each other-- and for me personally it is a testimony, especially when it comes to Jeremiah and his entire speech journey. The other day the two boys were bickering over breakfast-- it was little one worded, worded things but it was just cute to witness and showed me that God has been truly faithful. I know for a lot of us when we hear our kids talking and talking it can be a little trying.. but for me I love it. If you know how I was at the beginning of Jeremiah's speech journey... I was all over the place.. questioning myself.. questioning my child.. wondering about his future... if they were going to diagnose him with some disability or  disorder.. if he had to go to a special school..  And all of these thoughts were running through my mind because I saw nothing actually wrong.. developmentally he was meeting milestones... he was growing normally.. doing things that other kids do.. it was literally just the speech

Short Story Saturday

"Mummy, wake up!" "Mmmm?" She puts the cover over her head "Mummy! Mummy!" "Yes!" "Hi Mummy!" "Hello, are you ok?" He nods. "Cam I go back to sleep?" "No!!"

Thoughtful Thursday: 2021

I've really been in deep thought about how things will be in the impending new year.. How will schools be? How will general life be? How will work be? Jeremiah starts primary school next year and I'm just sitting here like... will he even be able to go to school? It's looking like Miss Rona is here to stay or to coexist with us. There is no sign of her leaving yet... and it's really leaving the world in uncertainty. I wouldn't say I'm anxious.. but it just makes you wonder, how will life be now? Will face masks become the norm? (Even though it kind of already is becoming that) Will there still be intermittent lockdowns? Will a cure ever be released? I remember seeing a meme saying something along the lines of  "People are waiting for 2021 as if Coronavirus expires on December 31st" To be honest! I really hope we don't have the same year next year as we did this year... it's been a very trying year... we need some kind of reprieve! Keep on prayi

Transparency Tuesday: Too much pressure

As parents... we always want the best for our children; but do you find you put too much pressure on yourself when you don't even need to?  You see parents doing all of these things with their kids.. and there you are at home, with your kids jumping on the chairs and throwing toys at each other... But what I've come to realize.. the most important thing to do with your kids is be present. You don't need to buy them the most expensive toys--can you believe in the beginning of my motherhood journey, I would buy all of these toys for Jeremiah.. toys that promote gross motor skills and blah blah… do you know what he would go and play with? Pots and pans. Empty boxes. My handbag. LOL. But in that I'll do these silly things with him when he's doing that and he enjoys himself! I think sometimes we really pressure ourselves for our kids to have the best things.. but really all our kids want is us. We are their biggest toy at the end of the day aren't we?

Short Story Saturday

"No! Not this" "I know this isn't Weetabix, but you used to eat this one! "No!" He turns away from the bowl of cereal "If you don't eat it, you won't get any of your toys" "No!" He picks up the spoon and then puts it down again "TV?" "No TV, finish your breakfast" He sits there with his arms crossed.

Thoughtful Thursday: Positive reinforcement

So... there was a morning that Jeremiah didn't want to brush his teeth. Instead he just wanted to eat his breakfast and continue with his day.. I just asked him casually "Come on lets brush our teeth before we can eat" He would give me a firm no. I would then say, "Well, then you're not going to get breakfast" Again, he would shout 'No!' I went upstairs and called him up. He hesitated for a bit, then started doing this little dance he does at random I copied him, and kept saying 'Come!" with a big smile on my face. He came, up, went to the sink and went 'Teeth" Normally I would just shout and yell until I have to force him up the stairs.. But sometimes we have to take a different approach to things and you see that we get the result that we want!

Transparency Tuesday: Lockdown 2.0

Even though it was lingering at the back of my mind... I wasn't expecting another lockdown. Even though... things are a little different this time with schools being open.... ...and even this I'm kind of in two minds about. It's good they are keeping schools/nurseries/universities opened.. but yet they've closed everywhere else? And the purpose to why everywhere is closed is because cases are flying through the roof. Kids aren't immune to it.. they may get it differently to how we get it, but they can still get it! I don't want them to shut the schools at the same time because personally, I'm happy Jeremiah still has somewhere to go everyday. He's always asking me, 'Mummy, outside?' so if they were to shut down schools in the near future.. it wouldn't help at all! And I like that he is in a different environment where he can thrive. I've noticed there are particular times in the day where I can catch him and do something stimulating for a

Short Story Saturday

"I can't do this" She looks at herself in the mirror, a cobalt blue dress accentuating her curves. She sighs as she walks to her bed to sit down. "I actually can't do this" She puts her face in her hands. She looks up and turns her head towards her backless matching heels. She puts them on and walks back to the mirror to admire her new body. "Mummy!"  "Hey sweetie why aren't you sleeping?" "Not sleepy" "Aw well, go back to sleep with daddy ok?" "Ok mummy" She stares as his little feet clap on the wooden floor. She sighs again and grabs her black coat. She walks to the door, opens it. Another deep sigh, as the door clicks closed.

Thoughtful Thursday: You just have to be thankful

Is it just me, or do you randomly just scroll through your pictures on your phone and just reminisce of the memories? I did that the other day and maaaaan! What a nostalgic journey it was! I went back to before I had children and could remember that particular time, how I felt (is it just me or do you all also remember all of that too?) And I was going through.. I realized how far I've actually come. I've still got more to go and more to work on; but I've gotten somewhere and I just have to thank God for it! For the progression, the growth, the mindset, the overall perspective of life... Thank you God!

Transparency Tuesday: My age is showing

Guys... When I get out of bed.. my bones crack... I value a good nap.. I get excited about cleaning products and changing sponges when I wash up... I need at least 1 cup of tea (a good flavoured tea, like peppermint) Is my age showing?! Bahaha.. But really.. I made a cup of tea yesterday morning and I felt rejuvenated afterwards.. it's like I really needed that cup of tea to function.. and I DON'T DRINK TEA GUYS! I was never a tea person-- the only time I would drink tea is when I feel a cold coming on and I make lemon and honey tea. What things do you do that gets you excited?