Transparency Tuesday: Practicing independence
So... I've started this thing with my children-- well not started. I've been doing it for over 6 months at best: entitling my children to choices. So for example, for breakfast... I will ask Jeremiah what he wants. BUT I will give him two choices to choose from. I wanted to start this because it not only encourages him to speak, but he will also learn the responsibility of his choices. So if he decides that he wants Weetabix, and then a couple of spoons into eating it he says he doesn't want it-- I'm not changing it for him.. he has to finish it, because he CHOSE to eat it. Before I would automatically pick what he wants to eat, but I needed to stop doing that otherwise he would always rely on me and not be able to decide for himself! But mind you.. dinner we all eat the same thing loool. The only exception is the fact that Matthew has food allergies, so depending on what it is, I'll do an alternative for him. Otherwise... we all eat the same thing lol. There will ...