
Showing posts from February, 2020

Short Story Saturday

"No!" "Well that's not very nice. Are we going to sit down on the bus like a big boy?" "No" He said while kicking the bus seat "We don't kick, can we try again?" "No!" He kicks the seat again She readjusts his position on the chair "Good boys sit on the bus and they don't hit. They listen. Yes?" "No!" A little boy wearing a white bobble hat giggles at his reply. "You see, he's laughing at you because you're not listening." "No!" "High five?" She puts her hand up "No!" He slaps her hand away She gasps. "That's not nice, you're not going to give me a high five?" "No!" He starts to jump up and down and throws himself on the floor. She picks him up and places him back on the chair. "No more of this, ok?" The scream he releases is so high pitched it

Thoughtful Thursday: Can you love too much?

Anyone that knows me and knows my kids will instantly call my children: "Mummy's boys" They are very attached to me to the point where when I'm walking with my 3 year old, he's always looking back to check where I am. lol. I'm a Cancerian-- we are the most emotional and yet loving sign ever (At least I think so..) and to be honest, I have spoiled my kids with love-- CAN you spoil your kids with love? Sometimes I wish I was in the capacity to have gone back to work when I had my now 1 year old; but childcare costs are crazy and I really wasn't going to go back to work just to pay for childcare... so I decided to just stay home with them and spend as much time with them as I can. I realllyyyyy overdo it with them because I love them so much and fun too. lol. But the main thing I really want for the two of them is independence. They are not going to need me for everything, and that is ok. They should get to a point where they are ok without me and f

Transparency Tuesday: Patience

I thought I was patient. Having kids.. I've realized I don't have AS MUCH patience as I thought. lol. I find myself shouting the minute that I repeat myself... And you have to remember that kids are WATCHING every single thing that you do and say. I'm realizing that there is no need to get so upset or to get so irritated when your child doesn't do the thing you say the first time you say it. They are children at the end of the day.. they will push our buttons.. they will CHOOSE not to listen to what we say because they too are learning boundaries and rules. The reason why my patience runs thin is because I expect them to do as they are told when you say it the first time... so wrong.. so wrong.. Don't get me wrong, they WILL-- but some children like pushing your buttons and to see how far they can go before they realize "Ok.. I need to listen now" I keep saying it.. you learn so much about yourself through being a parent and it is such a hu

Short Story Saturday

"Oh he's so handsome, how old is he?" "He just turned 2" "Oh wow he's big for two!" "Yeah.." "How old is your little one?" "He's 3" "Is he talking?" "Hmm. Not really. Some words here or there and a lot of sounds" "Oh wow, same! He's not really saying anything at all." Her voice began to crack. "Oh, is he at nursery?" "Yeah" Her hand started to quiver. "How's he doing at nursery?" "He enjoys it. But the speech just isn't coming." She took a pack of tissues out of her bag. "It will come. I think with boys it does take a little longer." "I guess."

Thankful Thursday

Do you ever just take a moment and look back at how far you have come? We are in the year 2020! There are some people that have not made it to this year but you are still here, standing strong. Even if you are going through something that can't be uttered; know that you are alive and intact. Life is way too short to be dwelling on things that have happened in the past, or that person that you used to call a friend who is now a stranger; whatever the case maybe-- YOU ARE STILL HERE!! This world is a scary place, and as long as you still have breath-- be grateful.

Transparency Tuesday: Consistency

Being a mother has made me realize that consistency is VERY important. When raising your kids.. consistency helps to build routine, to aid in development and in general for them to learn and retain knowledge. You can't wake up one day and tell them to brush their teeth.. and then the next day you don't do it. How will you be able to implement that into a routine when there is no consistency? And consistency doesn't only pertain to motherhood--- but every aspect of life. You need to be consistent in order to make it and to be fulfilled. As much as you may want to give up.. or you feel like there's no point.. or you feel like what you're doing isn't going anywhere, keep in mind that this life is not only for you, but there are so many people attached. Let that be your driving force. Someone is waiting to encounter you because you have a word in your mouth that will change their life forever. Believe it. Because it's true. But how are you going to ge

Short Story Saturday

"Oh wow! There's two of them in there" "Yeah" "Are they twins?" "No, just very close in age." "How old are they? Are they girls?" "3 and 1 and no, two boys." "Oh my God how are you able to get through the day?" "I don't even know half of the time. But you get the hang of it after a while." "I can imagine; I have a friend who has twins and I really don't know how she does it." "You literally learn as you go along-- once you begin to realize routines, and their needs it becomes a lot easier. But 2 babies are work!" "I want kids.. but I'm not sure I'd have the patience" "The patience will come, TRUST me." They both laughed. "Well. This is me. Good luck with your 2 boys!" "Thanks"

Thoughtful Thursday: It's too much

There has been many times in life where we feel overwhelmed, right? We feel as if everything is getting on top of us; we feel like our mind is too clouded with a million and one things-- and worst of it all: we start to compare where we are in life to someone else. I do it all the time. Sometimes I beat my own self up mentally thinking maybe I should of done this, or I should of done that this way; why is it that at this time my kid isn't doing this, have I done something wrong? If I were to list the amount of things that float around in my head.. I think this blog post would become a book.. But the point I'm trying to make here is-- sometimes.. or maybe most of the time we are really too hard on ourselves, me being the number one person! The best thing we can do is to try-- trying means that we are at least attempting to make a move for a change; for something better. When we get to an overwhelmed state-- it might feel like it's too much, but really the reason w

Transparency Tuesday: After the storm, comes the calm

Being a parent-- well just going through life rather, I'm learning that we need to acknowledge to do the right thing and to not do things that will favour us, or find the easy way out. What do I mean? My son started nursery 3 weeks ago-- and the beginning was so hard for me.  I'm a stay at home mum currently, so I'm with my kids every single day. Of course there will be some attachment because everyday I'm out with them, I play with them, I spend time with them. So starting nursery they have a settling in period where for about a week (depending on the child and how they cope) you bring your child for maybe one hour, or an hour and a half and see how they are. The first day he was absolutely fine, because I was in the room with him. lol. The second day he was ok as well even though I wasn't in the room with him but I was in a different area. The third day. Everything went right in the bin. lol. The third day was when I had to drop him off an

Short Story Saturday

"Driver, can I get on the back please?" The driver nodded his head. She wheeled her double buggy towards the back doors of the double decker bus, tipped it up and pushed it into buggy space. "Do you want to sit down?" A lady with said loudly with ear pods in her ears. "No I'm fine, thanks so much for offering." She smiled and nodded. The bus whirred down the busy London road-- a multitude of people got on and got off the bus. Two seats were free in front of where she put her buggy; she took off her bag and sat down. Her son at the front of the buggy started to kick and scream. "What's wrong? What do you want?" He started to scream even louder than before. "Are you hungry?" He shook his head and released a high pitch scream. "Do you want some water?" He grunted, hitting the yellow pole on the bus. "Do you want to sit down next to me? He stopped sc

Thankful Thursday

I remember when I had my first child... the way I would watch him sleep to check if he's still breathing.. I think for the first couple of weeks I didn't really sleep anyway! (Also because of the consistent breast feeding) I did the same thing with my second... and when I read or hear stories in the news about children who have died in their sleep.; even recently I read that a mother lost her child while she was breastfeeding her baby in the night-- died of suffocation! be But I sit down and think a lot (Can you not tell that I think a lot? lol) about how fortunate I am and I am so grateful to God because of it. No matter what you're going through, someone has been through something 10 times worse-- can you imagine if you think you're in a bad situation.. someone is going through something JUST as bad.. and maybe going through it in silence! This life.. we really need to appreciative of it and be grateful for where we are at this point in time. Life may not be t

Transparency Tuesday: It's ok to not get it right

Me personally, I am always beating myself up internally when I get those days where all I am doing is shouting at my kids-- or just the entire day I feel like there is a big black cloud hovering over my head and the entire day is absolutely rubbish. But I've come to accept that it's ok. Every day is not going to be perfect... and everyday is not going to go the way that you have initially planned. This is life in a nutshell. Through the bad days come the good-- and through the bad days there are a lot of lessons to be obtained and implemented. You have to keep in mind that what you go through is not only for yourself.. but for the people you have yet to encounter as well as the people that are already around you. We're not perfect people and that's what makes life such an interesting journey to undertake; we embrace our imperfections and run with it because life is such a beautiful roller coaster! Can I share something with you? I had a moment with

Short Story Saturday

"Pregnant" She sighed. She dragged herself down the stairs and plopped herself on the brown leather chair. "Well?"  She held up the pregnancy test. "Oh my God! Yes! Finally your boy is going to have a little brother or sister! OH MY GOD more cute little outfits and-" "Well I'm glad someone's happy." "You're not?" "Yes? No. I don't know?" "Spit it out.." "I'm not ready!" "Were you ready for Joseph?" "Kind of?" "Stop lying" "Ok. I wasn't. But that's only one child. Now I'm going to have two? I can't do this." "You CAN. From when God has allowed it to happen, it means you have the strength to do so." "Ugh." "What?" "You're doing the preaching thing again..." "Oh stop it!" She says while hugging her.