
Showing posts from July, 2020

Thoughtful Thursday: I have shy children..

So I have just recently discovered that BOTH of my boys are shy! How am I only seeing this now? But it's a good thing because I was really shy when I was younger as well-- but I really don't think my mother knew how to handle my shyness.. and as a result I became very introverted and bottled up emotions. So.. knowing this, I'm going to implement a way to handle shyness in my boys; so they do not become introverted and bottle their emotions. I really want them to be expressive and be able to open up about how they feel about certain things and feel comfortable in doing that. Boys have always been conditioned to not cry, and to be 'a man' and not show their emotions. But.. right now.. they are only 3 and 2.. how can I work on shyness at such young ages? This motherhood thing never ceases to amaze me.

TRANSPARENCY TUESDAY: I don't want my kids to be like me...

Is it not every parents worst nightmare to have their children end up exactly like them? Or am I just being extremely dramatic? I want my kids to SURPASS where I've reached. I want my kids to do WAY BETTER and achieve MORE than I ever could. Is this not the aim for all parents to have for their children? I don't even want my children to harbour the same bad habits as me... and even particular characteristics that I have. I just want them to be who God has created them to be.. nothing more.. nothing less!

Short Story Saturday

"Ball!" "Sorry no ball today; we've got so many balls at home!" "No Ball!" She takes him by the wrist and pulls him towards the fruit section. "Apple, Nana, Shwarberry, Orange" "Well done!" He claps and giggles. As she walks down to where the meat is; she hears him shouting ball again. "What are you doing? We are going this way!" "No!" "Bye" She walks off into the next section of the shop "No!"  She can hear the little footsteps coming closer "Now stop what you are doing and stay with me, ok?" He flings himself om the floor and screams "We're doing this one again?"

Thoughtful Thursday: We must guide them

I've been thinking about what I'm going to teach my boys when they become older.. and they start realizing certain things about life. It's not everything that I'm going to be able to protect them from.. the best I can do is advise them. But if they have to go through it themselves, the least I can do is be there to guide them through it. I was bullied when I was growing up-- the teenage years.. and I don't think my mother was prepared to see me go through that. But she did-- and we got through it. It did affect certain things about me.. my self confidence and how I see myself; but honestly there are things that we need to go through to shape us. I'm that kind of parent where I don't want my kids to struggle.. or have to go through hardships, but what good is that? What I'm actually doing is setting themselves up for failure. If I could manage to get my kids to avoid any kind of struggle or hardship... what will happen when they eventually face some

Transparency Tuesday: Harsh lessons

From the start of the pandemic, I've started letting my 3 year old eat by himself. Now this is going to sound so... silly.. but I kind of delayed doing it because I enjoy feeding my children and spending that quality time with them. But honestly he's getting older and he needs to be more independent.. so yeah. I don't want to become one of those parents that ends up doing everything for their children-- because at the end of the day it's not helping them.. I made him lunch; noodles and hot dogs, put his plate down, put his fork in the food. I told him, "Jerry, make sure you blow your food because it's hot" He took the fork and ate the noodles. What do you think happened? He spat the food out and went 'ow' lol. So I told him again, and blew the food. Then I told him to blow the food. He blew. He ate it and smiled. I said 'see' and he went, 'see' So I continued to watch him eat.. he would still put some of the food

Short Story Saturday

"Mummy?" He tapped her arm "Mummy?" He tugged at her pajama top "Mummy" "Mmm?" She said with her eyes closed "Mummy!" She opened her eyes. She looked around to see where the voice was coming from. "Mummy!" "Did you say mummy?" "Mummy!" "Yes that's right, mummy!" He giggled and ran away. She stared at the ceiling, "Thank you, God"

Thoughtful Thursday: I want to live to see my Grandchildren

There's one thing I'm determined to do... to at least see my grandchildren before I die. It might sound a little morbid... but sometimes in my quiet time, I still lament over the fact that my mother wasn't able to enjoy her 3 grandchildren, (my two boys, and my brother's son) My mother really took care of herself, but she unfortunately got ill-- she had something multiple myeloma which is a disease in bone marrow. But it's making me also think that I really need to buckle down and take care of myself.. I'm not getting any younger.. and I really need to learn about myself.. what my body likes.. what it doesn't like.. what it needs.. etc. I recently stumbled upon my blood test from my pregnancy with my 2 year old, Matthew, and I found my blood type and did a bit of research. Apparently... there are particular foods that you're meant to eat in accordance to your blood type. So.. I kind of want to look into it. I called my GP to see if I could spea

Transparency Tuesday: Textbook children

When you were pregnant did you ever find yourself googling everything... From childbirth.. to when the baby's born.. first words, first poo.. hiccups.. sleeping.. EVERYTHING. I did. I read about when babies first walk, weaning, teething.. anything you can think of I've googled it. So when I had my first child, Jeremiah.. he pretty much was 'by the book', he was a little quick with certain things-- he weaned a little early, and he had all of his teeth by 6 months. (YES. no lie. And I didn't even know when he was teething.. his teeth just kept appearing) He had his first steps around 9 months.. But talking. Talking delayed a little. His first coherent word I can't even remember.. to be honest. Does that make me a bad mother? That I don't remember my child's first word? But really.. he did a lot of baby babble.. and I can remember he would say one or two words and then wouldn't say it again. Talking is only now coming and he's 3 years

Short Story Saturday

"I'm sorry, mummy hug?" He walked slowly into my open arms. "I love you so much ok, but if you do something naughty you have to stand at the wall. When mummy tells you something, you need to listen." I could feel tears on my chest. He squeezed himself harder. "Sorry"

Thoughtful Thursday: Pray for your babies!

The kind of world we are living in now.. is a really scary place and the only real thing that can keep your family, kids, relatives.. your life is prayer. I don't want to bash Christianity or any religion down your throat; but God blessed me with these 2 boys and the least I can do is pray to God for them to be protected. Especially in the kind of world we are in now, where so much is happening and ANYTHING can happen in the blink of an eye; it's comforting to know that the most high is watching over our kids where we can't. The best thing I can do as a parent is instill faith in my children; for them to know that there is a being that is all knowing and all seeing that is always with them-- and all they literally have to do is pray. For me personally, I feel I owe this to them because before my mother died, she took us to church and we were going for a good amount of time before she passed. I felt as if this was her job to do-- for us to know God for ourselves-- a

Transparency Tuesday: Love

It has taken this 3 month quarantine to realize how much love children need. Obviously I love my children with all my heart, but we must be reminded that love is an ACTION word. Children are so perceptive and they gravitate towards the people that actively spend time with them and always approach them. How many times have you gone down to your child's level and played with them? When was the last time you just sat with them and had a random conversation? Children are people too.. they need love, attention, affection. Sometimes I forget this because I used to get so caught up with everything else; that I didn't take time just to be like 'Ok, this is the kids time' you know? It's sad that people have children and they barely get to even spend any quality time with them. That's why I made the conscious decision to not go back to work and just focus on raising and spending time with them. When I had my first child, I got a little taste of the balancing

Short Story Saturday:

"Tomorrow's your birthday, what are you going to do?" "Nothing. What is there to do?" She looks at her kids spinning themselves in circles. "As long as I'm here with my kids, that's all I need."

Thoughtful Thursday: Triggers

I've learnt a lot about myself during this quarantine time and being stuck in the house. There are certain triggers that cause me to lash out at my kids. I'm only human. But as I've learnt what they are.. it helps me be more in tune with how I react to what my children do. Because trust me.. having children so close in age is a lot of work.. at least if I had maybe.. a 6 year old and 3 year old; I might have a little reprieve because at that age, at least he'd might be able to do a little more for himself and not depend on me as much. But alas... it's not like that. My MAIN trigger is lack of sleep. Sometimes I'm up until 2 or 3 in the morning.. (this is the time I catch up on my series' and writing so I do get a bit carried away) and I KNOW at least by 8am my kids are going to be up. So if I decide to go to sleep at 4... I literally have 4 hours to sleep. Last week I suffered and one day in that week I just decided to go to bed when the kids did and