Thoughtful Thursday: How do you speak to your kids?

When I saw this quote on Instagram, I paused. Immediately I sat down and evaluated myself. Honestly. When I had Jeremiah; I was very tough on him from when he could start to properly communicate (in his case it was more non verbal) but he acted out A LOT--tantrums, throwing things, trashing rooms... yeah... But by the grace of God, with some tough love at the beginning; and now he's able to speak more and express himself a little more, I'm not as tough as I was before. I did do a lot of shouting, punishments and the like-- but what I've seen is that as your child grows... they change, so you can't always handle them the way you handled them when they were a different age! With Matthew; I was a little more lenient with him because he was a bit calmer and a lot more quieter than Jeremiah.. but as he's nearing 3.. his personality is showing out more and I need to be a little tougher on him in certain areas! But because of how I was with Jeremiah.. I don't shout. I...