
Showing posts from January, 2021

Short Story Saturday

"What's wrong?" Multiple tears roll down his cheeks. They stop at his chin before he decides to wipe them away. "Did you have a good day at nursery?" "Yeah" "What's the matter? Do you miss your teacher?" He begins to cry again. His mouth opened letting out a loud scream. "Do you want a hug?" She says with her arms wide open. He walks into her arms and burrows his head under her neck. "I'm so sorry, she's gone now. But don't worry nursery will still be fun."

Thoughtful Thursday: I never knew...

So since Jeremiah started nursery about 2 and a half weeks ago, he's had a bit of a hard time. I had no idea what the problem was; because as far as I know, Jeremiah loves going to nursery. I put two and two together the other day: His teacher that he's had since he started nursery last year, left at the Christmas holidays... and even the last week of term he didn't go in. So coming back this month to not seeing her probably hit home. And now he has to understand that she's not coming back, he's not going to see her everyday... So.. he's been very tearful at home and at nursery; and it's a very big change. But I never knew it would have taken such a toll on him like that. I know he became very attached to her-- and Jeremiah takes time to form new bonds and friendships.. This is why I always emphasize on how important it is to PRAY for your kids-- pray for their schooling, friendships. Teachers have a big impact on the way children will look at education and

Transparency Tuesday: Parents have tantrums too....

I had a "mama tantrum" a little while ago with my kids. I just was not having a good week-- so I took out my frustrations on my kids.. yelling.. all of it. And after I had my tantrum.. I sat quietly for a while and was like 'This is exactly what my kids do.. but more amplified" They may not know how to comprehend the feeling they're feeling... sometimes they can say exactly what they're feeling but it's just not what they feel like or they don't want to do something... I understood. So now when I deal with tantrums, I'm a bit more observant. If the tantrum is because of a certain emotion, I just wait it out and when they've calmed down.. I give them a cuddle or hug. If it's something that hasn't gone their way or because they don't want to do something.. if I speak to them and they're still.. in tantrum-- I don't shout-- I wait. And if they still don't want to do as I've asked; they have to stand by themselves until

Short Story Saturday

"Why are you behaving like that! Stop!" "Mummy!" "I don't want to hear it, if you don't want your brother to do something, you don't fight! Go and say sorry to your brother!" "No!" "Do you want to go and stand in the corner?" "No!" "Go and say sorry. Give him a hug. Then go and sit down."

Thoughtful Thursday: Can a mama have a moment?

The time we're in now is so hard... Parents are at home with their kids 24/7, due to the fact they need to work from home, and as well homeschool-- it can take a toll emotionally, physically, mentally.. Now before the 'Oh my goodness did she just say that?"; there is no doubt in the world that we would love to spend all of our time with our kids. But not all parents out there are fortunate to be able to afford to pay for childcare, or have family members who are close to take their children to-- so what is the other option? They need to work. And in this pandemic/covid19 season we're in (I'm calling it a season because it will surely pass) it's very hard on the parents as well as everyone else-- but having kids who have to also endure in this-- even though they may not be clear with what is going on (more so the younger ones) isn't very easy! The younger ones don't know about social distancing.. and then every two seconds we're squeezing some cold s

Transparency Tuesday: Mom-shaming

I recently caught up on Red table talk, (love that show) and the episode was about 'mom shaming' Mom shaming is pretty much when people feel the need to be negative about your parenting choices. But truthfully we've all done it at some point... but it's also been done to us. But why? Is there a particular way that kids should be raised? Do we feel threatened when we see a child that is possibly around the same age as our children, but are way ahead of the game? Where does the seed of mom shaming begin?  And mom shaming isn't only from strangers... it comes from close family and friends too--- and these ones burn the most. But I guess one thing we need to keep in mind is that it is coming from a place of love.. My guess is why mom shaming seems to be more prominent is because.. of the generations before us. How I was raised is definitely not how I'm raising my kids, and that is because my mother was from a different time to where I was from. I'm literally thi

Short Story Saturday

  She hears a faint crying coming from upstairs. The crying stops. She continues tapping the keys on her keyboard; mesmerized by each letter gliding across the white screen. Little footsteps bump down the stairs. "Mummy" "What are you doing down here so late?" "Hug mummy"

Thoughtful Thursday: Potty training round 2!

I actually want to cry! Couple of days ago  I went to Tesco to buy my youngest boy briefs because he's gotten the hang of the potty! With the odd accident here or there.. but he's pretty much got it down. Have to definitely still remind him, (it's only been three weeks!) But when I put the briefs on him, I just watched him and started getting tearful.. Like.. when he was tiny, I could never imagine that we'd get to this stage so quickly. Time really does fly. The first week was absolutely awful.. literally just peeing every 10 minutes. My son.. LOVES water... so.. he does wee quite a lot. And how I start with potty training is.. they wear nothing, no nappy.. they're just out there. lol. And I'll prompt him every maybe 20 minutes.. but had to bring it down to every 10 because of his weeing nature lol. So I'd ask "Do you need to wee-wee?" He'd hold his pee pee (that's how I call it for him to understand) and he'd run to the potty and sit

Transparency Tuesday: Gotta keep it moving

Despite us being in a 3rd national lockdown; I'm not as phased by it as I was with the first 2 that we've had. Why has the UK had 3 lockdowns please? I'm in two minds about taking my son back to nursery.. but he will benefit from it highly, so I just have to take the necessary precautions and keep it moving. The world doesn't feel the same... if that even makes sense? When you step outside... you meet people with face masks on-- would you have ever thought that we would be coinciding with face masks being compulsory to wear? Whether we like it or not.. there is some element of fear/anxiety/worry when we step on a bus, train, or into a supermarket.. because you can catch coronavirus at any point. We can't bloody cough or sneeze anymore.. which I find to be the most hilarious thing about this pandemic so far... But... we gotta keep it moving. We have to keep our spirits up... positive thoughts for our mental health.. and just keep hoping for a better tomorrow!

Short Story Saturday

"Do you want to read the book?" "Book!" "Yeah? The book?" "Yes pees!" "Which one do you want to read?" He points to the book with the brown bear. "Brown, bear, brown, bear, what do you see?" "Bear! Rawr!" " I see a RED bird looking at me" "Red Bird" "Yeah!" 

Thoughtful Thursday: My word for the year

Thanks to another mama on Instagram (theprettygirlsguide, check her out); I've decided to have a word to round up my year. My word is: Mindful So there are goals I have set for myself and my kids this year.. and I need to make sure I'm mindful in all aspects of fulfilling them. Being mindful of my intentions, my actions, learning, lessons.. everything. This word stood out for me when I saw the post by theprettygirlsguide and I just went, "Yep, that's my word". I've never actually chosen a word to focus on for the year-- so hopefully by doing this I'll be more determined to do what I need to do... I'm being more mindful about what I speak into existence I'm being more mindful about my thoughts and my attitude  I'm being more mindful about what I teach my kids and how I deal with them I'm being more mindful towards myself.. self care.. and what I want to achieve For me... mindfulness is an inside work and it will work it's way out. What

Transparency Tuesday: The Nursery Saga

So... the government has done it again.  At the last minute they've closed primary schools and staggering when Secondary schools return. But what about nurseries? They're saying there is now a stronger strain of Coronavirus that is now circulating.. and kids aren't immune to it? I understand they don't want to hinder the children's education further... but isn't their health even more important? I'm indifferent again... whether Jeremiah should return. I still have yet to hear from his nursery if they have even decided if they're going to open. But he's made such progress and I don't want him to miss out. He's still got a couple of months before he finishes nursery.. and the transition to primary school begins. But even primary schools.. how will it be when he starts in September? Still so many questions running through my mind.. but I still have hope that 2021 will be a better year.

Short Story Saturday

"Mum! Wake up" he says while pulling the duvet off her legs. "I'm still sleeping!" "Mum! I want to brush teeth!" he shakes her leg She pulls the duvet over her head "Mum! Teeth!" "I'm not ready to get up.." "Wake up, mummy!" He pulls the duvet off her head "Ok.. ok. lets go"